If you are passionate about our cuisine, you have already been to our tasting events o, semplicemente, state cercando il best aperitif in Rome, you can't missThursday 19 Octoberour | ||152American Aperitif. For the first time, we will offer our friends and customers a delicious menu with the most famousAmerican dishes! 🍔
No fast food, however, because the quality is always that of our#LaboratorioArtigianale.
Dfrom freshly baked bread, to our pastry chef's famous cheesecake, everything is cooked with love and great care for the raw materials.
Thursday 19 October:AMERICAN APERITIF
tasting hamburgers and other American dishes with drinks – The aperitif in Rome is at De Santis Santacroce
☑️ Menu •Miniburgers •French fries •Baked potato •Chicken wrap •Chicken wings in barbecue sauce •Eggs&bacon • Finger chicken with honey mustard •Onion ring • Pancakes • Cheesecake
☑️ Price • €15 per person, including wine/beer or adrink prepared by our barmen🍹
☑️ Address • De Santis SantacroceV. of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme 17 – Rome, Metro Manzoni/San Giovanni
☑️For reservations •06.70301912 • info@DeSantisSantacroce.it❗Limited places❗
De Santis Santa Croce è, da oltre 100 anni, il tempio dei sapori buoni di Roma, dove passato e presente si fondono in un affascinante equilibrio. Artigianalità, ricerca e rispetto delle materie prime: Federico, Davide e Stefano hanno ereditato l’esperienza e le antiche ricette di nonno Sergio e, portando avanti la tradizione familiare, accompagnano gli ospiti in un intenso viaggio di gusto, tra sapori antichi e moderne rivisitazioni, dalle prime luci dell’alba fino a tarda sera.